all postcodes in CO10 / SUDBURY

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO10 2AA 53 19 52.037354 0.729125
CO10 2AD 1 1 52.036878 0.728919
CO10 2AE 1 1 52.036668 0.728644
CO10 2AG 52 2 52.036324 0.727194
CO10 2AH 4 0 52.037187 0.72799
CO10 2AJ 17 1 52.036445 0.725087
CO10 2AL 6 0 52.035383 0.725897
CO10 2AN 8 3 52.034898 0.72759
CO10 2AP 23 0 52.035579 0.7254
CO10 2AQ 92 0 52.035292 0.723981
CO10 2AS 8 0 52.036986 0.726943
CO10 2AT 15 0 52.036828 0.725212
CO10 2AU 25 0 52.037405 0.724795
CO10 2AW 31 1 52.037414 0.726342
CO10 2AX 13 0 52.037982 0.725516
CO10 2AY 10 1 52.0382 0.725792
CO10 2BH 2 0 52.03741 0.723601
CO10 2BJ 25 3 52.036024 0.723822
CO10 2BL 28 2 52.03536 0.722615
CO10 2BN 2 0 52.035468 0.723571